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Services for Amusement/Water Parks

"I appreciated all of your services, particularly how thorough you were, covering issues in depth and on time."
(Owner, Large Recreational Facility)
“Thanks for your professional dedication to our project."
(Senior Manager, Multi-facility Amusement Park Company)
Major Water Park Attraction that Receives Treated, Recycled Pool Filter Backwash
(Past Heritage Consulting and Expert Witness Engagements)
Major Water Park Attraction
(Heritage Client for More Than 35 Years)
Heritage specializes in water, wastewater, stormwater, hazardous substances, and also solid waste regulatory, permitting, and compliance services for commercial establishments, including amusement/water facilities. In this regard, Heritage has worked with numerous recreational organizations and facilities, including Cedar Fair Ltd., Dorney Park/Wildwater Kingdom, Surfside Pier/Ocean Oasis Waterpark and Beach Club, Mariner's Landing/Raging Waters Waterpark, and White Water Mountain Resorts, to ensure that hydrology and environmental restrictions are appropriate and to address some or all of the above-noted issues. One such amusement company with multiple facilities for whom ongoing hydrology and environmental engineering services are being provided has been a client since the late 1980s.
The firm has provided expert witness services for amusement facilities for between 5 and 10 cases. The types of facilities have comprised water parks, amusement parks, country clubs with lakes and pools, camps with lakes and pools, as well as campgrounds with lakes and pools. Some of the issues addressed for these expert witness cases have included hydrology, stormwater, water quality, water monitoring, pool chemicals, flooding, drainage, runoff, surface water, erosion, floodplains, sewer systems, sanitary sewage, overflows, hydraulics, detention, groundwater, wastewater treatment, and waste disposal.
Heritage Technical Services, Inc. is an environmental engineering and hydrology consulting firm that has been providing professional service to amusement/water parks and other recreational facilities (including camps/conference centers with pools and lakes; campgrounds with pools, water attractions, and lakes; country clubs with pools and lakes; and swim clubs) since 1988. Heritage works extensively with environmental and hydrology regulations and permitting issues, and also performs resulting feasibility studies. These environmental requirements can result in substantial impacts, potentially affecting amusement facilities in the next several years and beyond. Related wastewater, stormwater, and water services provided by Heritage include flow metering advice, sampling/analysis advice, instrumentation and control engineering, and pump station engineering.
Current and future environmental and hydrology issues will continue to significantly affect amusement facilities throughout the United States, especially those with water attractions. Federal, state, and especially local agencies implement environmental regulations, policies, and fees, causing the development and operation of amusement parks to be more costly and burdensome. The wastewater, stormwater, and water factors affecting recreational parks, and especially water leisure facilities, seem to grow more demanding every year. Such environmental and hydrology issues can include:
water/wastewater operational and connection fees
filter backwash management and disposal
water quality
metering and billing issues
water/wastewater monitoring
stormwater factors
hazardous pool chemicals management
water recycling and conservation
wastewater discharge controls
the need for permits (including NPDES permits)
pool water disposal

1240 West Chester Pike, Suite 213
West Chester, PA 19382-9100