Attorney Observations

Heritage Technical Services
1240 West Chester Pike, Suite 213
West Chester, PA 19382-9100
The following is a sample of attorney observations concerning Chuck Dutill, P.E., D.F.E. 
of Heritage Technical Services:
You did a very good job, including a great job on cross . . . You were good on your feet, a real strength of yours. . . I wouldn't have changed anything about your work on the case. . . . We won $400,000 with the jury after being offered $15,000 all along, largely due to your work. (Long Time PI Sole Practitioner after report and testimony)
The analysis in your report far outshone those by all the other experts concerning the issues . . . It was much more thorough, compelling, and relevant. (Defense Partner for large, complex construction case with many parties) 
You are the best expert witness I've ever worked with . . . extremely knowledgeable with excellent credentials, but easy to work with . . . very hard working and very helpful . . . excellent identification of issues . . . You provided effective assistance during trial, and unimpeachable, understandable testimony. (PI Attorney of 35 years, after trial for which Mr. Dutill attended all, provided ongoing input, and testified) 
Your report was well-constructed with excellent attention to detail . . . very strong, yet such that a lay person could fully comprehend it. (Senior Defense Litigation Partner) 
The direct went well and accomplished what I wanted . . . You were only nicked on cross . . . I especially appreciated that your demeanor was unchanged when moving from direct to cross . . . in particular, there was no move to a combative approach. (Senior Defense Partner after testimony) 
Your report was excellent, detailed, and addressed every issue . . . The client and carrier were thrilled . . . There was no rebuttal report - after all, what could they say? (Defense Partner) 
This was very helpful and very good, especially the outside-the-box thinking necessary for this case. (Senior PI Attorney on large, complex case after long call with reporting on preliminary expert opinions)
I appreciated your attention to and response to all of my requirements . . . You did a good job managing cost in light of the services needed . . . it was a good balance . . . Your timeline for providing services was also very good. (Senior Defense Attorney for major, complex case) 
You had a very good demeanor . . . Your attention to detail was particularly helpful . . . You did an excellent job with the deposition, being truthful but very careful. (Senior PI attorney with large, complex case, after several days of video-taped deposition)
I am very appreciative of your work, including your quick response throughout the case . . . You were very helpful . . .You are a good teacher concerning the issues - I should know, as I am a previous schoolteacher for many years. (Senior Defense Partner)
Our lawyers indicated that Chuck is a very good expert, the best they have worked with. (Owner in large, complex case)
The expert report was good . . . . With $500,000 in question, we used your report to successfully argue for the majority of that amount, leaving my client very satisfied. (Law Firm Senior Partner in Environmental Case) 
You completed requests quickly and provided a strong evaluation for all issues. Bills from Heritage were fair and reasonable. . . . Your solid technical answers were impressive, especially because you were still able to explain them clearly for lay people. (Partner, Large Law Firm) 
You are down-to-earth, reasonable, and, most importantly, you worked within our system . . . Each time we pushed, you responded quickly and did everything we requested . . . Interacting with you was easy since you are straightforward and honest . . . I appreciate how detail-oriented you are. (Chief Engineer, Large Wastewater Authority)